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What does the "m" value mean?

by Jeremy



I have the rare opportunity this summer to sift through my coin collection and see exactly what I have, and from my grandparents' collections, there are some markings that they or the dealers they once traded with made that I don't understand. So, I was hoping you could help me out with this. I remembered what the mint marks mean, and your site helped me understand the coin grading symbols, but I can't seem to find whatever the "m" value is.

Example for a penny:

1935 S = 1935 San Francisco
VG = Very Good
38.7m = ???

Thanks for your help!

My Answer: I believe that would refer to total mintage of that particular coin. There were 38,702,000 1935 S Lincoln Cents minted so your "m" value is 1 million.

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